Are you embarrassed by the loss of your hair? Does the way your hair looks make you avoid social situations? Well that is absolutely no fun so we must find a way to deal with this and start enjoying life again. There are many natural remedies for hair loss and we will go over some of them in this article so that you can get started immediately after reading though the entire article.
Now, be aware that your results from trying these remedies may depend on how far gone your problem is but either way, in my opinion, it is certainly worth a try.
Hair loss is a problem that not only affects men, but women also. If you think, as a man, that losing your hair is demeaning or embarrassing, just imagine the effect it would have on a woman's perception of self-worth especially with the way society focuses on and emphasizes physical beauty. There is hope for both sexes.
Just want you to be aware also that so far no remedy had been discovered for hair loss caused by chemotherapy so I do not want you to get your hopes up only to be disappointed if this is the reason that your have lost your hair.
Here are some effective natural remedies for hair loss for you;
1. Massage Your Scalp - This helps to increase the circulation of the blood around your hair follicles and helps to stimulate growth.
2. Eat More Protein - This helps to keep your hair healthy and reduce hair loss
3. A Balanced Diet - What's good for your body is also good for your hair so make sure that you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables on a regular basis.
4. Saw Palmetto - This herb has been shown to block DHT production which chokes off the hair follicles causing them to die and the hair to fall off.
5. A combination of a topical solution and supplements - Recent studies have shown that products that offer a combination of pills and a topical solution seem to be having the best results at not only stopping hair loss, but actually helping you to regrow some of your own hair. I thought you might like that added benefit on this one.
So there you have 5 excellent natural remedies for hair loss, or tips if you want to look at them this way. Remember that there are always natural remedies for conditions that affect you or your loved ones so always look until you find the right one.
Natural Hair Loss RemediesVisit Top Natural Remedies now for additional thinning hair treatment or hair loss remedies.
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