Natural remedies for hair loss do not cause harm and generally have no side-effects. If some of the natural remedies work on some it does not on the others. Here are some tried and tested natural remedies to overcome hair loss. These remedies are great in the sense that they have been tested already. You have the results before you to decide which of the remedy you want to use. Remedies for hair loss are both of natural type and others. The natural remedies are better as you do not need to worry about the side effects in this case. Due to this reason a lot of people prefer using the natural remedy for this purpose.
A good hair massage stimulates blood circulation to hair follicles and activates hair growth.
Boil rosemary, peach leaf, burdock, sage and nettle in water. Strain the liquid and use this to wash hair daily.
South American nations have been using Jojoba oil for centuries to boost hair growth. Jojoba hair controls dandruff and is a great moisturizer and conditions the scalp.
The paste of the shoe flower when rubbed on the scalp before bath controls hair fall.
Aloe Vera promotes lustrous hair and prevents hair fall. It helps in balancing the PH level, cleans the pores and shows great benefits.
Another natural remedy for hair loss is the use of henna, the traditional Indian herb plant. It is an excellent natural conditioner, perpetuates healthy hair. It shields the hair cuticles and prevents breakage. Henna is available in powder form too.
Maintaining healthy and regular eating habits also curbs hair loss. Including sprouts, leafy vegetables, curds, Soya, walnuts, sardines in out diet prevents hair fall and provides vigour to hair. Drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
Massage your scalp with a mixture of castor oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Prolong use of castor revitalizes the hair.
Boil grated white pumpkin with coconut oil till all the water gets absorbed. Store its pulp and massage it into the scalp every 2-3 days. The lanolin present in pumpkin makes the hair lustrous.
Garlic gas properties to improve blood flow to the follicles. 4-5 pods of crushed garlic should be rubbed in to the scalp to prevent hair loss. Another natural remedy for hair loss is to apply paste of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath on the scalp and keep it for approximately 15 minutes and then wash. These are few of the natural remedies that you can use in case your hair is falling. These remedies will help you in getting rid of the unwanted hair loss. These are tested remedies thus you can trust these.
Hair Loss RemediesRobert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
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