DHT hair loss can also be considered as male pattern baldness. This is very common for many men to experience. At the age of 20, 20% of men will experience hair loss and at the age of 50, this amount increases to about 50%. This can be hard to believe but is one of the reasons why the hair loss industry is making millions if not billions of dollars by advertising all these medications and products.
Hair loss although it is common, it can still be embarrassing for some. Who wants to start going bald, especially in their 20s? Many will just deal with it by wearing a hat to cover up their bald spots. Some just think that there is nothing you can do about because it is hereditary. Going bald can be caused by genetic background but it is still possible to stop going bald and regrow hair.
Even though genetics do have an impact on going bald, the other cause is DHT. DHT hair loss is most common in men and is a sex hormone produced from testosterone. There are other areas within the body that need DHT but when it comes to the hair on your head and prostate, it can have negative effects. It is known to keep making the hair thinner and thinner until is will eventually be gone. They call this follicular miniaturization.
There is a drug approved by the FDA called finasteride that acts as a DHT inhibitor. It was originally used to treat prostate cancer but found that it also can treat DHT hair loss. The problem with this drug is its unpleasant side effects. Some are more severe than others but seeing how DHT has to do with testosterone, you can probably guess what the side effects are going to be. The other problem is that once you start this drug to treat DHT hair loss you will have to continue taking the drug. Once you stop, the results of new hair growth will be gone within 6 months to a year.
There is good news though and that is DHT hair loss can be cured by using natural hair thinning remedies. Some of the remedies that are implemented will help to disperse the DHT throughout the scalp to prevent them from blocking the follicles from getting nutrition. DHT blocks the follicles from getting the nutrition it needs from the blood stream and as a result, the hair will become thinner.
There are many natural hair thinning remedies and techniques that can be implemented to stimulate growth, prevent loss, and maintain healthy hair. This can all be done without spending too much money. These natural hair loss remedies are very affordable as opposed to taking some sort drug and are safer to use. Many people are unaware of the fact that there are natural hair thinning remedies that can be used to stop you from going bald and stimulate growth.
Some of these natural hair thinning remedies help to:
- provide all the nutrients your hair needs
- properly clean the scalp of residue and dirt that clog the hair follicles
- disperse DHT
- increase blood circulation to the scalp
- maintain the health of your scalp, etc.
There are many natural hair thinning remedies that you can learn to use to help you from going bald and regrow hair. Most are simple to practice and can be done every day without wasting time or money. Side effects are very uncommon and are considered a lot safer than if you were to take a drug alternative.
DHT hair loss is something that can be treated and prevented using simple and natural hair thinning remedies. There is no reason to risk the taking hair loss drugs that you know have harmful side effects. If you want to stop DHT hair loss and grow back hair safely then natural hair thinning remedies is the answer.