The remedies for hair loss in women are somewhat similar to those of men. In the past, certain treatments for thinning hair have contained ingredients that could possibly alter the physiology of women causing a multitude of problems. However, today many of the same products that men have been using for years now have special formulations tailored specifically to women. This article will discuss these hair loss remedies for women.
There are three main phases of hair loss women need to concentrate on:
1. Stopping or slowing thinning hair:
Of course stopping your hair loss is the primary concern. Re-growing and maintenance are useless if your hair is falling out faster than you can grow it. Two products, Propecia and Rogaine are the two main products most women can use to stop or slow their hair loss.
2. Re-growing new hair:
Once your thinning hair is under control, it's time to concentrate on re-growing new hair. Re-growing hair is a slow process. Don't expect instantaneous results. For most women, it's going to take several months before you notice any new hair growing in. Don't get discouraged! It takes time to re-grow hair. Again, Propecia and Rogaine, in addition to helping stop the loss of hair, also help to promote the re-growth of hair as well.
3. Maintaining your hair:
Maintaining your hair properly is often one of the most overlooked aspects when dealing with a hair loss issue. Most women will continue to use the same methods they've used all of their life when fixing their hair but when dealing with hair loss, a woman should take greater care when brushing, combing, or washing their hair. Nisim shampoo should be used to help stimulate healthy hair growth. It also helps to neutralize the dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, on the surface of the scalp thus eliminating one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Proper diet and nutrition also play a part in the hair maintenance process for women. Provillus is an FDA-approved, all natural hair loss supplement that's made to block DHT, one of the main causes of hair loss.
Fortunately there are many products out there that can help you. Unfortunately, there is no single hair loss remedy for women that will help you in all three phases so you're stuck having to use multiple products, usually one for each phase.
These hair loss treatments work for most women but there is no one cure for everyone. While Propecia may work for most women, others may have more success using Rogaine or vise versa. The same holds true for any of the hair loss remedies I have discussed in this article. Just remember, its going to take time! No matter which treatment methods you choose don't expect to see results within a few days. Pick your products and stay with them for at least six months before making a decision on what's working and what's not working. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results!
Hair Loss RemediesFor more hair loss remedies for women [] or to find out more about the causes of hair loss in women [] you can visit